When it comes to a website design Dubai project, there are a few basic factors you should keep in mind. Here are some of them: Content strategy, Navigational structure, Individual pages, and images. If you’re not sure what each of these things means, then read on for more information. Ultimately, having a website is only as good as the information it contains. Without it, you won’t get the conversions you need to make your business profitable.
Content Strategy
The process of creating a content strategy for a website design should involve a broad spectrum of stakeholders. These should be the company’s CEO, product owners, marketing and design leads, senior team leaders, and the customer experience team. These stakeholders will be involved in workshops and should be considered throughout the project. A content strategy for website design should address these factors from the beginning. If done correctly, it can result in a website that delights users and builds brand loyalty.
In addition to identifying what is essential and what is optional, a content strategy should address how people will find the information they need. Creating a content strategy removes subjectivity and provides a road map for how to accomplish your goals. By having an agreed upon strategy, it’s easier to make decisions when it comes to implementing a new site design. It’s also easier to measure the effectiveness of a site with content, since it’s clearly defined.
Navigational Structure
A website’s navigational structure refers to the connections between pages on a site. Some pages are only accessible after visiting a certain page. Designers plan the navigational structure of a site when developing a new one. A home menu, for example, should link to the About, Plans, Contact, Blog, Mission, and Team pages. The navigation structure can be divided into two main types: self-similar and hierarchical.
People tend to remember information best when it is first seen and last. This is referred to as the ‘Serial Position Effect’ and is why the most important items should appear first and the least important ones at the end. The ‘Contact’ tab should be placed last. In general, people are more likely to retain information if it is placed at the beginning and last of a list. To prevent users from getting lost in the middle of a lengthy list, place most important items near the top of the list.
Individual Pages
A web site typically contains multiple individual pages with related content that are linked to the main URL. The home page of a site is a table of contents, which is often sparse in content, and may contain resumes, family genealogy, hobbies, and online journals. Other content may be scattered throughout, but each page is customized with text and images. The home page serves as a central hub for the entire site. Using these different types of pages to organize and present content allows designers to create a more appealing site.
A blog page is another type of individual page. This page displays a feed of articles. It may be in the form of a chronological list, a section, or featured articles, depending on the frequency of adding new posts and the preferences of visitors. Individual pages on a website are a good place to display links and information about your product. The design of individual pages on your website should be logically organized to facilitate user navigation and understanding of the site’s content.
Using images in your website design can have many benefits. They can break up a lot of text, create a visual presentation of your message, and even persuade viewers to make a purchase. When used properly, images can also help keep your audience engaged on your site. Here are some tips to use images effectively. These are also good alternatives to a traditional text layout. If you’re using images in your website design, you should avoid using the wrong image file formats.
Use complementary or contrasting colors when using images. The purpose of an image is also important. Use it to make your visitors smile, convey a message, or promote a product. You’ll have a much better chance of achieving success if you make your visitors feel happy. If the image is of a happy animal, use it in the image title. Otherwise, it will not serve the purpose you intend. You can also use a cartoon image of a cute kitten.
Contact an SEO Dubai company to help you with it.

Cyclist, father of 2, fender owner, International Swiss style practitioner and HTML & CSS lover. Working at the intersection of beauty and mathematics to create not just a logo, but a feeling. Check me out on Dribbble or Medium.